Monday, February 11, 2008

Experimental Dinner night

Since Jen has been a vegetarian, my cooking has been well.. lets say challenged...So I tend to experiment quite a bit... Here's what I made tonight, which turned out rather well.

Quinoa with Roasted Golden Beets
I cleaned the beets, removing the greens (to save for the next dish) and then wrapping them in foil. Then i roasted them in a 450 degree oven for 40 minutes.
I then cooked the quinoa ( 1 cup quinoa to 2 cup water) for 10 minutes.
When the beets were done, i scraped the skin off of them and then sliced them into thin slices. I sauteed them in a little butter and mixed them with the quinoa. Added kosher salt and pepper to taste.

Red Rice with Sauteed mushrooms, Beet greens and toasted sunflower seeds
Cooked the red rice for about 45 minutes (1 cup rice to 2 cups water). Then sauteed the mushrooms in butter and olive oil until they were nice and browned. I then added the beet greens and put a cover on the pan... after about 2 minutes the greens were good and wilted. I toasted the sunflower seeds in a cast iron pan, and then mixed everything together. Season with salt and pepper and some Penzey's Northwoods seasoning.

All in all turned out well. Jen actually liked the two dishes above mixed together...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ahh!!!! sounds delicious, but where's the protein and vitamin b12!!!

just eat meat, it's so much easier. ;-)